Last year Grahame, Anna and I made a team visit to the Edinburgh Festival and have brought you our favorite shows. We saw thirty-two different events and have chosen five of the best, Daniel Cainer, Sarah Kendall, Revan and Fennell, Paul Foot and a play called Agent of Influence – so if you missed the Fringe Fest, you can relax as it is coming to you.
Obviously we have other sources for shows and this year we have found Andy Miller at Brighton Fringe Festival who will do his show, “A Year of Reading Dangerously"; Ruby Wax is returning with her current writing partners, a neuroscientist and a monk, to talk about their new book; Debs Newbold and Nell Pheonix, both of whom I found originally at Soho Theatre, are this year’s adult storytellers, returning by popular demand. Then there’s Joe Bone who has sold out in the last few years at Fireside, he also returns this year with Ben Roe to give us Bane 4.
…. And of course we have the children’s shows, Gomito Productions from Greenwich Theatre are back with Chester Tuffnut for the tinies who can also be spellbound by Marian Leeper who returns this year with a tent …. and Nell will weave her extraordinary magic for the older ones.
Our schools production will be Classical Tales by Lucy Lil who will perform to years 6 & 7 from local schools.
So hopefully there is something for everyone in this gallimaufry of events …. I hope you enjoy it.
Joanna Bowen
Welcome to Fireside Festival 2017